Friday, June 26, 2009

Aiden, 4 Months

Had Aiden's 4 month appt this morning and the doctor said he looks fantastic. I already knew that. :) He is growing fast and is very strong. He has now rolled from back to belly once and does that hunched over sitting, which is the first stage of actual sitting. He loves to stand up and push with those mighty legs. He has become VERY grabby, I am beginning to be careful of what is in his reach. And he is a true chatterbox and loves to talk with us, he mimics our sounds. But Owen still gets the most attention and laughs from Aiden, he is truly fascinated by his older brother.

I have altered my diet, and not having any dairy or soy products, and it made a tremendous difference in Aiden's gas problem which led to a very fussy and bad sleeper. He is now super happy and so very chill. I love watching his personality grow. Happy to say most of the time he is sleeping in his crib, which has been so great for me. Too much baby is a bad thing, in my opinion, everyone needs a break. He has slowly become on more of a regular routine and now has an actual bedtime.

I told Owen that Aiden was going to get shots and would be upset, and Owen got pretty upset when the nurse came in. He kept telling her "Don't give Aiden the shot. He'll be upset." It was sweet. And while Aiden screamed from the shot, Owen stood nearby with wide eyes and a pout. He would whisper, "It's okay Aiden." It was a nice big brother moment.

Weight: 13 lbs 14 oz (35%, down from 50%)
Height: 25.5 in (75%, up from 50%)
Head: still 50%

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