Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baltimore Aquarium

We took a day trip up to Baltimore Aquarium and I must say it went smashingly well and we all had the most wonderful time. I think one of the most special parts of being a parent is getting to watch your kid discover and explore these types of places. Owen was beyond excited to head out at 8:00 am to the aquarium. The car ride up went very well and Aiden only cried a little before falling asleep for his nap. We arrived at the aquarium at 9:30 and while Owen and Daddy got to explore the stingrays, Aiden got fed while watching the boats. Then it was off to explore all the tanks. I won't bore you too much with lots of details, let's just say Owen and us had an amazing time looking at all the different fish and talking about them. He is a natural teacher and would inform those near him of the types of fish. Prime example and quite funny at the moment, we were looking at the eel and the man next to us said, "It looks just like a snack." Owen looked at him matter-o-factly and said, "It's not a snack. Actually it's an eel." The boy knows way too much about ocean life, and enjoyed telling us all the names he knew.

There is a new section dedicated to Jellyfish and I can't put into words how amazing it was. They are such beautiful and interesting creatures. Owen was also a fan and Omer got some great pictures. And of course the shark walk was a big hit. Owen knows a lot of the sharks names and was very happy to see his new favorite the Japanese Saw Shark there. He just got a set of little sharks the week before with one. It was cool for Owen to stand against the glass while the majestic creatures swam past him.

The dolphin show was a lot of fun too. Last year when we went, Owen got scared when the stadium got really loud and sat in my lap the whole time. Not this time, and he couldn't because Aiden was napping. He got very into clapping and following what the next dolphin was going to do. The show was from 11:30-12 and Aiden usually wakes around then to feed, so I was worried, but he was great and slept through the whole show. Then we hung around the dolphin area below and he got to eat.

Then it was off to eat lunch, shop and quickly see the rest of the aquarium. I was impressed we got to see everything and left at 2:00 as planned. Poor Owen was exhausted and fell asleep within minutes of getting in the car. Sadly Aiden did not, he screamed for about 30 minutes while I tried everything to get him to fall back to sleep. No go! We pulled over and I fed him, then he was happy to get back in his seat and play and finally fell back to sleep. Owen stayed asleep until 4:30, 30 mins of that in our garage. :) Both boys were VERY tired.

Overall we had a fabulous time and can't wait to do a weekend trip up there next year when Aiden can enjoy it more. I must include that I thought Aiden did a great job being hauled around all day. I also have to say that my once a week pooper had not gone for about 9 days and I just knew it would be today, and was I right. Big change, wardrobe and all. And Owen did such a good job waiting while I fed Aiden and listening to us. Really the trip went so well and we had a blast.

Dolphin Show Video

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